How to choose a perfect blog name with confidence
Choosing a blog name is no easy task, but after you read this post, you will be in the right direction and hopefully with a blog name chosen.
Before you start, I want you to take a piece of paper and start to jot down anything that comes to your mind when you think about your niche.
Then add everything that you think you will talk about in your blog. Add some adjectives to it, something that people use to describe you or the kind of person you want to be someday.
Who is your audience?
Who are you going to write for? Instead of saying yourself, you must write to someone else. Before you decide I need to tell you something: to blog is very hard today, everybody wants to be a blogger. Your blog must solve someone else’s problem. Yes, you have to like what you are writing and yes, it must be something very close to you.
Here are some examples of fashion bloggers subjects:
Are you rich and have access to latest trends? Great! There is a bunch of people just like you who wants some guidance.
Do you know how to look glamorous with a tight budget? Awesome! You should tell others about it!
Are you going to talk about celebrities’ outfits? Go for it! It really doesn’t matter what you decide to talk about, as long you find someone to read what you have to say and interact with you.

Is it too late for me?
It’s never too late. One thing about the internet business is the power of reinventing itself. Tons of new blogs are created every day and I will be honest with you: most of them are garbage. And most blogs die after 5 posts. People wants 10k followers in 5 days, they want be famous yesterday, they want to make money and get gifts as a blogger like magic.
It’s not too late for you if you follow all the steps to be a successful blogger. Don’t try shortcuts! Don’t buy followers, don’t use bots. To be a successful blogger you must be a Content Creator first. You must have an audience, you must have followers who interact with your content (that’s why you can’t buy followers).

What’s the name of your blog?
Remember that list you jot down at the beginning of this post? It’s time to think on a name for your blog! My favorite fashion blog name is Not Jess Fashion, I love how clever this name is.
Here are some ideas of how come up with the perfect blog name
- Just + your name or nickname
- ______ Recommends
- Day of the week you will post + your name or girl or your nickname or a color
- The ___________ Project
- Miss ________
- ________Bliss
- The beauty of _____
- Beauty + your nickname
- Your Name + Lookbook
- _________Club
- The_________Collective
- Your Last Name _________
- ______Addict
- Name of your town/city/country Tales
- Three verbs you will talk about in the blog (example: Run Write Love)
Grab at least 5 ideas to choose from, because unfortunately someone might have had the same idea.
Is that name available?
You need to go to NameCheap to check. The reason NameCheap is the best is that you get the best price for a year and the WhoIs Protection for free. The thing about domains, you have to put your real address to register and if you don’t have a WhoIs Protection your address will be open to anyone to see.
I would like to say that internet is a safe place, with no creeps around, but if you are around long enough you know this is not true and we must protect ourselves. So WhoIs Protection is a must. Another thing to consider is the extension. The “dotcom” usually is the most expensive one, but you don’t have to grab one if you don’t want. I paid $12/year to this domain: and I have a client who got a .today for as little as a buck a year.
As you can see, it’s not that bad. First thing you need to do is click on NameCheap and click on Bulk Search like the image below.
A new part of the website will appear. Write all the name ideas you want for your blog in the left box, then click on each extension you like. Click again if you need to remove. Don’t worry, you’re not buying anything, just checking. Scroll down until the end and click on Search.
A list will appear with all the possibilities and prices. Choose one and click on add to cart. NameCheap will try to upsell services to you. Don’t click on anything else (even the Private Email free – it’s free for only 2 months). Click in View cart. In the cart area, enable the whoisGuard if not enable already.
If you want the domain to be auto renewed after a year, enable that option. After that, click in Confirm Order and you will need to create an account with NameCheap or login in your account if you’re already a client. Then pay with your credit card or paypal.
After the payment, you will have a domain!! Yay!! It’s that simple!! And it’s that cheap! Now you have a blog address!
You can continue your blog journey reading my other post How to start a blog from zero to hero.
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