segredos de uma avo coruja

secrets of a grandma owl

Project Description

Create 4 B&W illustrations to open the chapters of a book. The book was about a woman who became a grandmother and turn herself into a grandma owl, because in Brazil an over protecting mother or grandmother is an owl.  

After a meeting, I was requested to create illustrations using paper, just like the cover of “Brincando de fazer poesia“, a book I illustrated for the same publisher.

capitulo5 cor
bby1 cor
vidadificil cor
sapatinhos1 cor

Becoming an owl

The first owl I made and sent, the author said it looked old, and she wanted to look just like her. A modern grandma.


This is before:


The owl

olho novacoruja

You can see the book here!

Since this project was completed, I became a full digital artist. 

If you need papercut illustrations, but digital, fill the form below and let’s work together!

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